Ceramic Dog

I have this dog figure that I take pictures of whenever I travel.  Here are some for your amusement.

“Kill the trees it’s just fantastic

For those of us made of plastic”



Not so far from where I live is the former town of Centralia, PA.  The distinctive feature of this place is that it has been burning underground since 1962.  You can find lots of pictures online, but here are a couple I took.  As I mentioned elsewhere, Centralia is one of the places the dolls live, and the one where I collect my specimens.



Jolene has been the mascot of the Otter Den for some years now.  When I moved in here with my daughter, we had very few possessions.  Faced with a new house and lacking pretty much everything we needed to have, naturally one of the first things I bought was a mannequin.  My daughter has since moved on to a life of her own, but Jolene remains as a fixture of the den.  She too has evolved, integrating, becoming one with the Ottermind.  Quiet as she may be, I know she is watching.  It may be the influence of the dolls.  I have brought so many of them here to study, I feel like some of their energy has seeped into her.  She is watching me write this right now, actually, so I can only say that we are very happy she is here, and appreciate her very much.


I know the last thing you want is a lecture from me, but this is important.  Recently I came downstairs to the scene pictured below.  Now, I’m not a religious man, but I got the feeling that my cats were getting involved in Satan worship.  Sure, its easy to dismiss this as some sort of phase they’re going through, but it really is a slippery slope, these sort of rituals.  I tried to talk to them about what they were doing, but they just demanded catnip to appease their dark lord.

So please, watch your cats carefully, and if they show any signs of worshiping Satan, intervene early.  Otherwise you might find yourself in my position, battling cat demons in the kitchen late at night.  That’s all I have to say about that.  Be safe.